Business Coach
For me, the basis of a happy, fulfilled, free and safe life is a meaningful professional activity - in the best case even your callin.

I started my one-year coaching training directly in the year I founded my security agency SOS-Stalking – in 2015 – with the idea in mind to be able to underpin the new kind of help I was offering from now on beyond the police for victims of stalking with some well-founded tools. It was important for me not only to be able to offer my strategic advice based on criminal psychology or operative measures in the highly explosive situations in which the women were also exposed to real dangers, but at the same time to be able to support the process of healing and growth of a new consciousness with professional means of personal development.
For this I set out to learn coaching alongside my quite demanding work and new learning on all levels – because I was just evolving from a civil servant to an entrepreneur. I had already guessed that something special was waiting for me. But what came next was so much more. Because coaching is not just a cognitive matter for which I simply learnt a few theories by heart; at its best, coaching always has to do with myself. And it did. So I embarked on a journey to discover myself in a new way that I had not known before. What I didn’t suspect: it would open up completely new worlds for me, reveal secrets about the power of our consciousness and even change my own life permanently.
Key experiences
of my life
Two moments in particular have remained in my memory from this time that have shaped this period for me.
Walt Disney and my longing
I remember very clearly how my everyday life at that time physically constricted me. I lived in Berlin, loved what I did – police, SOS stalking, politics, family – but was on the fast track every day, thinking in to-dos and squeezed into business clothes and high heels. Every day. There was no thought of practising body awareness, healthy eating, inner reflection and breathing deeply in nature on a daily basis. In one of our coaching modules, I courageously spoke up with my topic when it was a question of introducing the entire group to the Disney Method according to Walt Disney. I was used to illustrate it.
Twelve pairs of eyes were fixed on me. “I have a longing for nature and grounding. I want to feel sand and grass under my feet. I want to be able to take my morning coffee outside with a deep breath. Every day.” The Disney Method led me through strong emotions to become a dreamer, critic and doer of my inner dialogue and began to build bridges between the conflicting parties within me. The details of that day have long since faded from my memory, but one thing has remained very strong in my inner world to this day: the longing that burned in my heart – which I really felt here for the first time, gave it space and spoke it out. That unleashed power. At that moment, I took the courage and at the same time the decision to pursue it.
Today I am living exactly the life I longed for back then. What an inconceivable power…

The bored pony and the stallion
Elsewhere I remember a horse farm where we spent the whole day as a training group. This module was called “horse-supported coaching”, which until then I had little idea of. Rather, the image of an infinitely wide and green meadow on a farm rose in my mind. I was eight years old and saw a horse. A pony that was about the same size as me. Harmless. I have always loved horses, although I had little contact with them. They just attracted me magically. “Don’t go too close, it’ll step on your foot!” my grandma called after me casually. “Okehe!” I called back in my child’s voice, not turning around as I walked. I had a destination.
Arriving at the pony, I heard it chewing and watched it silently. It was busy and hardly noticed me. I approached it and stroked its back, its neck, its belly. I was beside myself inside, because in my life I had never met a free-roaming pony in a meadow that I could just reach out to. And certainly not one so bored that I could just touch it. And while I was busy with my inner dance of joy, the pony moved forward. Just a single step – leisurely leg by leg – and stepped on my foot with its rear hoof. I froze – in pain and in shock. And the pony – stopped. And ate. As if I wasn’t even there. There I stood like a pillar of salt. Pinned to the meadow by the bored pony, a dull pain in my foot, far too scared to address the pony. “The foot is broken” I was sure. And the pony: stood. Eating. Feeling comfortable. On my foot.
“What’s wrong?” called my grandma, noticing that something was wrong. “Nothing!” shouted back my eight-year-old self. “I guess it’s on your foot?” Oh that’s right, she saw me, “Uh yeah…” “”Push it away then!”” No sooner said than done. I mustered all my courage and braced my little child’s arms against the contented, unsuspecting animal – which didn’t quite understand at first, but then started moving looooong, leg by leg. I waited patiently until it was finally the turn of the leg under which my foot was buried – and finally: I was free! Limping, I walked along the meadow, feeling sorry for myself, until I realised that my foot wasn’t broken at all. It had only hit my big toe, and it hurt….
The earth shook. I was suddenly jolted out of my thoughts and startled. Horses’ hooves hit the ground, clouds of dust swirled up – and two mighty black stallions appeared in the arena as the dust cleared. We all stood crammed into a corner behind an – admittedly pitiful – fence and watched the animals. “Watch them well” was the trainer’s instruction. They ran, made panting noises, walked past each other and raged out all their energies. To me – I had no contact with horses at all in my everyday life – they seemed like forces of nature colliding. The trainer could probably only laugh about it. And yet: I was intimidated and had to collect myself.
“Now go up to the horses in groups of two and say hello,” the trainer instructed us when the two had calmed down. What that meant for them was standing in one place, pawing their hooves and snorting to themselves. Before I had even understood what that meant for me now, I was already standing in the square. I was in the front row and the woman next to me had encouraged me to go with her to the horses first thing. Obviously I had said yes and was now walking to the horses, I slowly understood. When I arrived at the stallions, my heart really dropped. There she was again, the eight-year-old. “Don’t get too close, it’ll step on your foot!” she admonished knowingly and I glanced at those mighty black hooves. Not to be compared with my bored pony of yesteryear. This meant destruction.
I saw how my comrade-in-arms had long since arrived at her horse and approached it with ease, stroked it and went into contact. Unthinkable for me. It’s just not in the cards. This black stallion in front of me is oversized and unpredictable in my world. The other woman was long on her way back and an insurmountable fear raged inside me.
I took a breath. And with a little help from the trainer, who explained his signals and communication, I finally dared to take the last step towards the horse and greeted him briefly. Wow. That moment when I touched the stallion and looked into his eyes was magical. A beautiful, highly energetic being. I was proud and incredibly fulfilled. Something had happened. At that very moment.
The group who had been watching reported afterwards that this wild, impetuous stallion suddenly became calm as I stood in fear before him. He had tilted his head down so that he appeared less large and had been waiting for me. I myself was so preoccupied with my fear that I hadn’t even noticed.
This encounter was impressive. I had met my fear, conquered it and encountered a beautiful being who had built a bridge for me. That was the moment when trust came back and I felt my childhood love for horses flow into my life again.
Therefore, not only horses play an important role in my life today, but also coaching. I have experienced first-hand how it can change my perspectives, my behaviour and my entire attitude to life. At the same time, it has made me more and more the creator of my best life and my Higher Self.
Only when you know what talents & gifts you were born with, can you understand who you are, what you need and what you can give to the world.
What followed my coaching training was not what I had originally planned, but what life wanted me to do. I did not use my new skills for the stalking victims who sought my advice as a stalking expert, but women kept approaching me who had been impressed by my career path and wanted to be coached by me. So it came about that, in addition to stalking counselling, I have always given business coaching to women who, with my help, have found their calling, set up their career strategy and established professional fulfilment. So, unnoticed, I had become a role model for women.
Over the years, I have developed my own method, which I now call “DNA of Your Personality” and which today forms an important core of my coaching sessions. This is usually followed by very individual career questions and topics.
DNA of your personality
core of my coaching sessions
I look forward to supporting you in your career. Together we will decode the DNA of your personality:
- We will find your mission that fills you with purpose.
- We develop your leadership style & train New Female Leadership.
- We go into crisis and conflict management.
- I'll tell you the secrets of press relations.
- We train your media and camera presence.
- We find your positioning.
- We find your ways against fears and self-doubt.
We tackle all of these together.
No matter what challenges you as a woman are still facing on the way to your heart’s mission, to your fulfilment in your career or to your dream life – if I am your coach, I am looking forward to meeting you!
Don’t hesitate and contact me today!
Client testimonials
My biggest professional challenge was to do justice to my 40 employees and to lead them in such a way that they themselves shine and find their calling. I also wanted to find out who really fits alongside me, so that I can set myself up even bigger as an entrepreneur. I want to revolutionise my industry - towards more humanity and community - which is a real task because I run a care service. I have often felt emotionally torn and unclear about how to approach some issues.
Through Sandra I have become much clearer. I have gained confidence and sovereignty and in the 1:1 coaching sessions we were able to solve my issues in record speed. The short communication channels, the individual support and the fact that I was really seen in my essence were particularly helpful for me. This even enabled me to develop new ways of thinking about issues that had been with me for a long time. At the same time, new doors opened for me through the coaching and completely new contacts were made. On the one hand, because contacts were made available to me, and on the other hand, because I now dare to approach influential and successful people. I now dare to think and act much bigger.
Thanks to Sandra and her team, I now have more ease in my professional and private life. I have restructured my leadership so that I feel even more joy and have time for new innovation projects, which are very fulfilling for me. My team is happy and I easily achieve a sense of connection. In the coaching with Sandra I feel really supported and I can say that I have made a big, personal development leap. Thank you!

I am an interior designer and work full-time for a planning office. However, a lot has changed in me, so I also started a side business for people who want to create empowering spaces inside & outside.
Since I still have many questions about my business, it felt to me like a child who wants to jump into the puddle with joy and just before someone comes and shouts loudly NO! There is a feeling of excitement, joy and everything is tingly and I don't know where to go with myself because I don't know how to live out this feeling with my business. This then caused frustration internally and I blocked myself.
Since working with Sandra and knowing my basic talents, I observe myself in a completely different way and now realise how much is already there in my life. It feels like creating an inner balance for body, mind and soul. Currently I feel a sense of gratitude, relief and I feel ballast falling off my shoulders. I am grateful that I trusted my gut feeling and that I am doing the coaching with Sandra. At the same time, it gives me a huge boost of motivation to keep going and create my dream life. Thank you!

I was disoriented, felt lost because I am in a job that doesn't fulfil me. It is monotonous and I don't find it meaningful. I thought about it for a long time and realised that it makes sense for me to get outside support to help me with my problem. I have been afraid of not finding something that I am really good at and that completely fulfils me. Self-doubt has plagued me. However, by working with Sandra I have been able to discover my many talents, even the ones I am not currently living out. I have understood that they will always be there, even if they have caused me pain in the past. I have developed more self-confidence as a result and can now build my professional career in a targeted way. What I have discovered in myself just feels right and I realise how connected I am to my soul now.
Since I have been supported by Sandra, I see things more clearly and I have become aware of what I already have inside me. I simply needed to be reminded and given a little push in the right direction. As a result, I no longer feel disoriented, I hardly let myself be influenced by self-doubt and I go much more into confidence. I now know what I can do, what I want and go my way purposefully.
I am grateful to have had this experience!

As a seeker of my future vocation, I often felt disoriented, tired, insecure and misunderstood. I didn't know how to approach the subject. Thanks to Sandra's sensitive and experienced approach, I am now safely guided through the process. I appreciate how she creates a safe space for stimulation, sharing, unknown perspectives and insights. I always leave these impulse-rich encounters strengthened, confident and motivated, which allow me to grow steadily. The balanced mix of independent research as well as the enriching, encouraging togetherness in the group reveals fresh, unknown views and perspectives of my personality and possible further approaches. All these different processes help me to go into myself, to explore and develop myself in new ways and to stay on the track of my destiny. THANK YOU dear Sandra for your valuable and groundbreaking heart work!

Sandra is a person who works with full dedication and appreciation and she is an inspiration that goes far beyond the mind.
When I met Sandra, I was at a point in my business where I didn't really want to move forward. It was only in our very intensive conversations that it became apparent,
that this lack of clarity and the inner turmoil came from the fact that I was no longer really doing what felt right for me. I had always been looking at another area of my business and had completely ignored myself.
Discovering this, or rather getting the space to recognise and feel it myself, has been an incredible journey and has brought back so much peace and at the same time meaning and joy.
I find the way Sandra works very special. Sandra doesn't overwhelm you with concepts and ideas of how something should be or how to implement common methods and approaches, but rather allows everything to be seen from within yourself. It's about finding your own truth for your business. Because I am now convinced that with one's own inner truth also comes development.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Sandra, for you, your work, your whole being. For the nurturing and appreciative space you create, in our individual conversations and also in the circle of very special women.
