Who is
Sandra Cegla

" Courage is the key to freedom."

That’s why today I am just that: your career coach, speaker and author. With my ideas, I want to inspire you and make a real difference in your life.
Sandra Cegla -
My career at a glance
Business Coach für Frauen - Vocation and Leadership
2015 – 2016: one-year training as a personal coach, Hertzfeld Academy in Potsdam, followed by business coaching for women.
What the training taught me: The basics of coaching, differentiation from psychotherapy & counselling, ethics & morals in coaching, different methods.
What the women from my business coaching sessions have taught me: Vocation & professional fulfilment always start with ourselves and then continue to the outside. My own method “The DNA of Your Personality” has emerged.
Keynote speaker, Trainer
Nine years of impulses and talks at congresses, in talk rounds, workshops and seminars, e.g. Privacy Week Chaos Computer Club, women’s gatherings, professional events
What I learned from speaking in public: Presenting my content, using my own appearance and impact for my content, finding my own style and moving naturally on stage.
Detective Superintendent with the Berlin Police Department
(graduate in administration)
2001 – 2015: 14 years of criminal investigations in violent and attempted homicides, leading operations, victim protection and intervening in dangerous situations
What the criminal police taught me: The abysses of being human, to never close my eyes to realities and crimes, my own self-efficacy & strength, my assertiveness, the use of power & dominance in the right place, to acknowledge my masculine parts and live them out in a healthy way, the application of German laws in legal practice, to understand the German legal system with regard to the imprint of our German society, the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical systems, to accept my own protective instincts as something natural & beautiful and no longer disfigure them as “helper syndrome”, to recognise my sense of justice as an important part of my personality.
Owner of the security agency SOS-Stalking
Eight years of active stalking intervention for women.
What building and leading my agency has taught me: I experienced leadership on a new level with new demands on me & in the process found more and more my own style. I was allowed to go into transformation from civil servant to entrepreneur. At the same time, I received attention as a stalking expert in Germany’s public sphere. I was allowed to learn press work, camera presence, appearing in live broadcasts and how to deal with the media with confidence.
2011 – 2018 active political engagement for the Berlin CDU,Federal Chairwoman of the Deutsche Staatsbürgerinnen-Verband e. V.
2015 – today: eight years of non-party, women’s political commitment with Germany’s oldest women’s association
2016 – 2018 deputy parliamentary group leader in the Berlin-Mitte district assembly (BVV Mitte), focus: Women, economy, youth welfare / District Chairwoman of the Frauen Union Berlin Mitte, Deputy Chairwoman of the Lesbian and Gay Union Berlin
What politics has taught me: To unite many interests, to use communication as an instrument of bringing people together, insights into political and social contexts, the formation of stable networks.